After yet another 3 weeks in waiting, The Crazy Runner is back with Episode 3! Tune in as I apologize once again for taking so long to get this podcast out there for everyone and decide that odds are this show will be produced every 2 to 3 weeks. I also recap my running of "The Swanson House Half" as I run my race for the WWFOR.
Today's music was brought to you by
"Company of Fools"/"Ordinary Day" Combo - Great Big Sea (Intro/Outro & excerpts)
"Running" - Allison Crowe
Remember if you want to get in contact with me send me an email at, leave a comment here on the blog, send me a tweet at, follow me on Facebook at, or leave me a Voice Mail at 206-337-6871
Hope You enjoy the show!
Download this episode (right click and save)